This article explores how to plot histograms for multiple features in a dataset using Seaborn and Matplotlib's gridspec.

Why Use Gridspec for Multiple Plots?

When dealing with multiple features, plotting individual histograms separately can be inefficient. Using gridspec helps:

  • Organize multiple subplots into a grid layout
  • Maintain consistent figure sizes
  • Improve readability by keeping plots aligned

Steps to Create Multiple Histograms for Features

  • Import required libraries (matplotlib, seaborn, pandas)
  • Load the credit card fraud dataset - source: creditcard.csv
  • Extract the relevant feature columns
  • Create a grid layout using gridspec.GridSpec
  • Loop through each feature and plot histograms for fraudulent (Class=1) and non-fraudulent (Class=0) transactions

More information can be found: Matplotlib GridSpec

Dataset: Credit Card Fraud Transactions

The dataset contains transactions with multiple features (V1–V28) extracted from PCA transformation. The Class column indicates whether a transaction is fraudulent (1) or legitimate (0).

source: creditcard.csv

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("")
print("Shape of input data: "+str(data.shape))

Example: Plot Histograms for Fraud and Non-Fraud Transactions

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns 
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
%matplotlib inline

v_features = data.iloc[:,1:29].columns

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(7, 4)
for i, cn in enumerate(data[v_features]):
    ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
    sns.histplot(data[cn][data.Class == 1], color="green", label="100% Equities", kde=True, stat="density", linewidth=0, bins=50)
    sns.histplot(data[cn][data.Class == 0], color="red", label="100% Equities", kde=True, stat="density", linewidth=0, bins=50)
    ax.set_title('feature: ' + str(cn))


  • Histograms are displayed for each feature (V1–V28).
  • Red color represents fraudulent transactions (Class = 1).
  • Blue color represents non-fraudulent transactions (Class = 0).
  • Grid layout ensures all features are visible and aligned.


  • Adjust bins=50 for a smoother or more detailed histogram
  • Modify figsize=(12, 32) to increase/decrease plot size
  • Use alpha=0.5 in sns.histplot() for transparent overlapping bars
sns.histplot(train_df[cn][train_df.Class == 1], bins=50, color='red', alpha=0.5)
sns.histplot(train_df[cn][train_df.Class == 0], bins=50, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
